Wash surface to be polished (we recommend a Star brite® Boat Wash). Shake bottle well. Apply in a firm, overlapping pattern with a clean cloth. Apply to small sections at a time to ensure uniform coverage. Rub well to remove chalk, surface rust and oxidation while polish is wet. No hard rubbing required on most surfaces. Severely chalked surfaces will require more rubbing. Star brite® Marine Polish will quickly dry to a haze. Buff off haze with dry cloth and your hull, fittings, painted and metal surfaces will shine like new. Star brite® will completely remove chalk from most fiberglass and aluminum hulls, restoring original luster. For best results, apply a second coat in 10-30 days. Second coat will remove chalk and oxidation brought to surface by the first application. Two applications will provide a durable shield that will protect against chalking, rust, corrosion and oxidation for up to a year or more. Foreign substances, such as tar, oil and salt will not adhere to a Star brite® surface and can usually be washed off with fresh water.
PLEASE NOTE: This product is only available for delivery within GB Mainland, Northern Ireland & Rep. of Ireland.