Ramonol Universal Multipurpose Marine Grease
- A high quality calcium sulphonate grease with outstanding anti-wear and waterproof qualities.
- Based on similar calcium sulphonate chemistry to Ramonol Advanced, though incorporating a thicker oil more suited to higher speed bearings and no solids.
- This makes Ramonol Universal ideally suited for boat trailer wheel bearings, particularly when they are regularly immersed in salt water.
- It is also ideal for moto-cross and rally bikes, mountain bikes, jet drives and grease filled propellers.
- Best trailer grease ever used according to a professional yacht delivery company.
Suitable for:
- Trailer Bearings
- Folding Props
- Winches / Furlers
- Bike parts
- Mining / Agri
PLEASE NOTE: This product is only available for delivery within GB Mainland, Northern Ireland & Rep. of Ireland.